among of the best world cup 2010 planner in ms excel;jsessionid=F6FCD5EB8C284AE172DDA3F7464C3565.dc278
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Buffer Zone In Gaza
Israel razed hundreds of Palestinian homes in the northern and eastern parts of the Gaza Strip in order to create this buffer zone. Israel claims the zone is needed for its security to prevent Palestinian resistance fighters from firing their home-made shells into Israel.
Click here to more on this news.
Gaza Aid Flotilla Footage, P.1
before the israeli really onboard of mavi marmara blood already seen coming down from the deck.. what the hell.. israeli are so crazy..mad murderer..they should be trial by international court of justice not by their own court. this is not ordinary an accident..obviously those soldiers acted by orders of high level.. their own prime minister.. he should be trial like serbian leader.
Gaza Flotilla Witness, Hero
one of the heros of mavi marmara. witness said the israeli commandos were using live rounds.. they intend to kill people.
Finkelstein On Gaza Aid Attack
this is to show that israel is lunatic.. they don't have fu**king care of other people live. they obviously attack a civilian humantarian ships and killed 9 human being..that's a fact. just imagine the palestinian have to suffer like that everyday. could you imagine yourself being treated like that in 'an open prison'..(yes..wall all over the area..anybody near the wall will be shoot like rabbits by automatic guns remotely controlled by women in an operation centre somewhere far from the wall)..will you someday become so pressured..after seeing your children, mother, father, brother or sister..crying because he/she is starving, sick or being stiched with needles without bius and you can do anything. will you someday.. rebel and prepare to do anything just to show your anger..frustration.. just imagine..
Israeli Attack on Mavi Marmara
video on israeli attack on the ship... the gruesome one have been taken & destroy by israeli army. all cameras & equipment worth thousand of dollars have been robbed or destryed by the the israeli soldiers.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Gaza Flotilla - Facts vs Fiction
we feel so outrage when we watched this footage. how israel, among the strongest army in the world, oppressed these groups of weaponless people for years. this is ethnic clensing.. by preventing almost everything, human basic needs, to come in.. is actually murdering in slow manner. these zionist occupied other people lands and in the process..slauthering people, cannot be let free with with what they have done. the world should stop ignoring this issue, it's time to take stern actions towards israel zionist. because right now.. they are more violent than the nazis. so, stop judging people of anti-sematic because they don't deserved to be free anymore. people of the world, please take actions NOW!!!
if this video clip can no longer be viewed, you know who has deleted from the source. the zionist will never want the truth to prevail.
if this video clip can no longer be viewed, you know who has deleted from the source. the zionist will never want the truth to prevail.
Blues Gang - Naik Turun dgn Kord + Lirik
Bersesuaian dengan keadaan ekonomi rakyat sekarang. Harga semua barang semua naik.. belum lagi hal-hal pengangkutan.. minyak..tambang bas dan sebagainya. Semuanya gara-gara kerajaan nak hapuskan subsidi. Gula dah hilang dari pasaran.. susah nak cari kedai yang jual gula. Camno? Kerajaan cuba jawab isu ni.. tak pasal inflasi naik mendadak ni. Golongan miskin dan luar bandar semakin parah hidup mereka. Golongan pertengahan juga semakin sesak.. macam sia-sia je mak bapak bertungkus lumus bayar yuran.. ambik pinjaman PTPTN. Akhirnya bila dah grad..dapat keje.. hidup macam orang susah jugak. Lepas tu, tau-tau kerajaan kata nak bina bangunan parlimen baru kat Putrajaya harga RM800juta. Apa crita? Tak perihatin ke dengan kesusahan rakyat? Kami kecewa sangat...
Autopsy reports of nine protesters on Mavi Marmara
"Initial autopsy reports published in the British daily the Guardian indicate that 30 bullets were used to kill the nine protesters, many of them in the head and at close range, suggesting that the attack was not self defence but rather a premeditated attempt at sending a strong message to anyone who thinks of supporting the embattled people of Gaza; thus the idea of “deterrence”... Strategic deterrence - defined as the inhibition of attack by a fear of punishment backed up by superior military power - has been part of the Israeli strategy for some time, especially when it comes to Gaza...."
for more reports please click here
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Global BDS and Viva Palestina Malaysia's Boycott Campaign- Do you wonder why McDonalds?
Viva Palestina Malaysia joins the HUGE Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement in boycotting companies and products that contributes significantly to the Israeli economy.
We choose to boycott as it keeps on the forefront of our mind the suffering of the Palestinians and puts Palestine on top of our agenda.
We are initially targeting 4 consumer products companies which we believe contribute significantly to the Israeli economy.
Our aim is for the boycott to weaken those who oppress Palestinians and make consumers aware of products which are unethically produced. Employees should be made aware of the facts regarding the companies they work for especially if these companies contribute to the Zionists who cruelly oppress the Palestinians and deprive them of their homeland.
This post will explain why McDonalds should be boycotted and is in the list of BDS Global Movement.
McDonald’s former chairman and CEO (1998-2002) Jack M. Greenberg was an honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Metropolitan Chicago.
According to the Chicago Jewish Community Online (website of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago), McDonald’s Corporation whose global headquarters is based just outside Chicago is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund(JUF)/ Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.
McDonald’s Corporation was honoured during JUF centennial celebration in 2000 as a first tier corporate partner to the cause of Zionism.
Through its Israel Commission, the JUF “works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and,when necessary, responds to counter negative media coverage of Israel”.
The JUF runs its “Partnership to Israel” program with its twinned Israeli Lachish region, comprising the city of Kiryat Gat and the rural areas of Lachish and Shafir. It provides financial aid annually to help the development of Kiryat Gat and to promote further illegal settlements there.
This city is built on stolen Palestinian land - the lands of the villages of Iraq al Manshiya and Al-Faluja whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of International Law.
With all these facts and evidence illustrating McDonald’s Corporation unrelenting support to further consolidate the existence of these illegal settlements and causing unabated oppression of the Palestinians, the Global BDS and VPM has substantiated its demand to support the boycott of McDonald’s.
Kindly share with information and save humanity!
Friday, June 4, 2010
we want more Rachel Corrie to Gaza..more ships to Gaza
The world is outraged with what the zionist israel did to Mavi Marmara. We are sadden with lost of lives of the humanitarian aids activist.
Rachel Corrie has been captured last night but it won't stop of more determined human rights activist to launch more ships to Gaza. Israel is a robber and a murderer. Those activist who have been captured and finally released, realized the hardship of the people of Gaza & Palestine have to endure everyday.
If you have Palestinian t-shirt, scarf, cap, flag, umbrella, badge - WEAR them! If you want any, please call Jemaimah at 013 231 4596
Join VPM and be among those who stand up & say STOP!
Special thanks to Torque for the above images.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Israel is so arrogant.. they don't mind killing innocent people
"I'm not violent. What I can tell you is that there are bruises all over my body. They won't let me show them to you," he said before he was pushed away by a security escort. A soldier identified only as a sergeant told reporters at a military briefing that the activists on board "were armed with knives, scissors, pepper spray and guns." He said he was armed only with a paintball rifle. "It was a civilian paintball gun that any 12-year-old can play with," he said. "I saw my friends on the deck spitting blood.".. this is a fact. The fact that israel authority is so arrogant, that do see other human being as non-human..can be killed or do whatever to them.
They have no regrets in killing those innocent people who came from all over the world for a peace mission to Gaza.. giving food & basic necessities to the oppressed Palestinian people. Why these people are so cruel? Why the killing? What the world have done to this act of inhumanity? Do can do whatever they like.. the world can only say.. "we object this kind of actions" just more than that.. no actions. No wonder "these people" become more violent. Imagine if other country do this.. immediate action from the US..sending their troops & force the country to their knees. But Israel? untouchable..for so long. How many more people have to die because of them? How many? They are killing more people than the Nazi's did? Israel=Nazi..
Now, 19 lives are lost today.. humanitarian aid.. helping people (especially the women & children) but they were murdered by the sons of the biches of israel. They were attacked in international waters. what the hell.. Are we gonna let their sacrificed unjust?
Seriously...? this is the weapon that the israeli soldier found onboard the ship? Where's the guns? because of this they killed 19 people? It's possible also those so call 'weapons' being placed by the israeli soldiers minutes after they board the ship.
Please click here to visit this site about the zionist and take a look all these photos and cartoons.. enough talking..
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