Dont know how valid, but interesting ideas ..worth reading ..
I am of the opinion , that when a person’s body becomes highly acidic, his /her immunity gets lost, and he/she becomes susceptible to any of the virus diseases. When a person consumes calcium containing food, the calcium keeps circulating in the lymph fluid for a while.
Such free-floating calcium in the lymph fluid provides the immunity. This calcium can be neutralised (spoiled) by an acid, and can also be removed through the urine.
Practically all the overweight people avoid drinking adequate quantities of water. Therefore, they under-urinate . This enhances the accumulation of excessive calcium in the soft tissues of their body, which in turn increases their body weight.
Thus the overweight and obese people retain excessive calcium in their body, and that provides them a high level of immunity against all forms of virus diseases, including sore throat, common cold, flu, and also H1N1.
That is why the obese people do not get any common cold or flu for several years. However, if they get the cold, it never leaves them easily - they suffer for a prolonged period of even three weeks. Drugs will not help them.
Whereas the thin drink large quantities of water, and also urinate liberally. This depletes from their body most of the calcium. As a result, they have only least amounts of calcium stored in their body tissues, and that makes them easy targets for such virus infections. This group of people are prone to get common cold and flu every now and then. Yet, it would disappear within 2 or 3 days
Most of the free calcium in pregnant women tends to get transferred to the growing-up baby in the womb.
Likewise, heavy and prolonged menstrual discharges also tend to remove large quantities of calcium.
Even breast-feeding mothers tend to transfer most of the free calcium to their babies.
Such women can become easy victims of H1N1, due to calcium depletion. Therefore, it becomes very important for all the above three types of women to consume a little more calcium.
I am not in favour of any of these people taking calcium supplements in the form of tablets. Instead, they should go for those foods that are naturally rich in calcium.
While taking calcium-rich foods, one should be cautious against over-doing.
It is important to remember that excessive intake of calcium can give rise to obesity, lumps, cysts, fibroids, kidney stones, prostate problems, and cancers.
It is common knowledge that all metabolic activities result in acid production. Thus, if a person indulges in any form of physical activity beyond the tolerance limit, such as Marathon run, his/her body develops hyperacidosis.
Keeping awake late-nights without adequate sleep, over-working non-stop without adequate rest, excessive starvations, etc. are also not advisable
Consuming frequently too much of acid foods, fruits and drinks, especially by the thin-built people, will be inviting the H1N1 disease. The over-weight people may not need to fear in this respect.
Fruits such as Kundang (Bouea oppositifolia), rambai (Baccaurea motleyana), macang (Mangifera longipetiolata) , mango (Mangifera indica), duku langsat (Lansium sp.), rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), mangosteen (Garcinia artoviridis) , sour belimbing (Averrhoa sp.), durian (Durio zibethinus), sour durian belanda (Annona muricata), sour plum (Prunus cultivar), strongly sour-tasting pineapple, etc., and vegetables such as asam paya/asam susur/pulicha keerai (Hibiscus sabdariffa), are strong acids.
Strong sour drinks such as Roselle (extracted from Hisbiscus sabdariffa), tamarind juice (Asam jawa), passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis), etc. are also highly acidic items. Most of the bottled drinks, if they happen to be acidic, may be because of citric acid addition, are not suitable for consumption during a peak virus-outbreak season.
Rain water and pure distilled water are acidic, and they do not contain any mineral substance. Therefore, the thin people should avoid drinking this. Water from pond, river and tap should be considered safe in this respect.
Most of the mineral water and processed distilled water sold in bottles tend to be in the vicinity of pH 7.0 or so. All these, and also the tap water passed through even a simple carbon water purifier, should be considered very safe in this respect.
Orange, lemon and pomelo, although they contain citric acid, should be considered safe for consumption, for they contain plenty of potassium, and that would produce alkaline urine, and thereby do not disturb the body’s immunity.
Alkaline fruits such as pears, dragon fruit, banana, honey melon, water melon, sweet apple, and vegetables such as pumpkin varieties, onion, cucumber, loofa, lady’s finger, beetroot, cauliflower, carrot, etc. are good for the thin-built and extra calcium requiring people.
In general, most of the green leafy vegetables tend to contain plenty of calcium.
Eggs, fish, especially ikan bilis (anchovies), etc. are also good sources of calcium.
Those who feel highly feverish because of extreme acidity can neutralise it by drinking coconut water (Cocos nucifera) about twice a day for three days.
The fruit of palmyra tree that is mistakenly called “Sea Coconut” (Nonggu in Tamil)(Borassus flabellifers), which is available during hot and dry season in Penang, South India, Thailand, and a few more countries near the equator, is extremely alkaline. Therefore, they are best used as herbal medicine for the cure of H1N1.
I have, in my book “Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention” indicated that the overweight people should consume only very small quantities of the alkaline products, for they tend to put on more weight if they consumed them in larger quantities, and may even end up with obesity-related diseases as pointed out above.
Preservative containing sourkana, bokana, orange skin, lemon skin, red ginger, etc. tend to make the body acidic. Therefore, they are best avoided at all times, if possible.
Foods most suitable for the thin people to avoid H1N1 infection should include rice and rice-based items. High protein diet (e.g., chicken, soybean), since it tends to release acid during the process of digestion, should not be consumed in large quantities.
Food items cooked two or three days ago, especially if they contain dhall, green-gram, blackgram, peanuts, etc., tend to become acidic, and these are not good at all.
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